Last Updated: 2018-01-15 01:52:08 (k73sk)
Name | Found | Attribute | Difficulty | HP/MP | Level | Gold | Experience |
Bubba | Darakin | Thunder | Extreme | 56064/320 | 42 | 19200 | 38400 |
Just like Bubba's buddy, Elfin, this is one of the more difficult battles. It's been a debate among players for whether he really is difficult or not, but his damage alone is enough to tear the party apart in a few moves unless you perform the correct moves. Keeping Sharon, Kazan, and Lang in the party for this battle is your best call. If you have not already, make sure you learn the other variable arts that can be used against Bubba. Before the battle, it's a good idea to have everything fully charged, including AP. Then when the battle starts, pounding him with a variable art immediately will give you a better outcome for the battle (meaning that you may be able to defeat him within as few as 3 turns!). This easily reduces the difficulty from extreme to easy (hence the debate).
If you don't have enough HP for the character being attacked, Bubba will likely knock out whoever gets hit with his special attack called Dancing Revolver. To avoid this, use some elixirs to increase defense, or for Kazan, use Earth Protector.