Last Updated: 2018-01-15 01:52:22 (k73sk)
Image | Name | Description |
Barton | Barton is the father of Vindel and husband of Lemana. He is sitting in his home when you first meet him and gives Lang the VIP card for free. Woo! | |
Broam and Laurenti | Broam is the manager of Chez Snobbe and Laurenti is the pianist of the restaurant. | |
Broe | Broe is some random citizen (likely a farmer) who hangs out at the Sweetheart Shop. | |
Codd | Codd is one of the chefs in Chez Snobbe. | |
Darek | Darek is an older man who stays in the Green Hills Accessory Shop. He helps the player understand more things, such as skills and how accessories work. | |
Doplin | Doplin is the king of Darakin Citadel. He is an important character, yet plays a small role at the same time. The main role Doplin has is to make the public unaware of what is going on with the "new world" and the Mystics. | |
Erabna Ariharu | Erabna and Ariharu are two women that can be found talking often in the noble side of Darakin. | |
Feline | Feline is the wife of, or friend, of Pablo in the Chez Snobbe. | |
Ganal | Ganal is the father and husband of a family of four located in one of the shacks in Darakin. He always appears to be a bit drunk. | |
Guinness | Guinness is the lady behind the counter of the Chez Snobbe. | |
Gurdjieff | Gurdjieff is one of the chefs in Chez Snobbe. | |
Hathaway | Hathaway is the owner of the Kingdom Arms Weapons Shop. | |
Hiro | Hiro is a man in the Kingdom Arms Weapons Shop that gives you some tips about arts, weight, etc. information. Quite helpful if you're interested! | |
Jake and Lilim | Jake and Lilim are the two children of Ganal and Selena. | |
Joe | Joe is the guy with all the information in Legaia 2. He knows a lot about the Mystics and has ideas of what goes on within Doplin Castle. Throughout the game, you can talk to this man for information and learn a bit more of what goes on around the world. | |
Julie | Julie is the hostess of the Three Star Hotel. | |
June | June is the porter to the Three Star Hotel. | |
Karen and Rosemary | Karen and her mother, Rosemary, sit and wait for the father to return home from his work. Unfortunately, they don't realize he's actually been imprisoned in Kravia, which you will be the one to let him free (assuming you have the money!). | |
Latelle | Latelle owns the Green Hills Accessory shop. | |
Leon | Leon is the husband of Sabrina in the Green Lynx Inn. He is always cooking special foods and such in the kitchen, offering some nice recipes and meals to Lang and the others. | |
Lichten | Lichten is the bodyguard of the expensive Three Star Hotel. You cannot gain access unless you have some sign of being a noble. | |
Adventure Miura | Miura, or Adventure Miura, is an adventurer who travels all around the world. Miura gives the player a book about the adventures taken. | |
Neil | Neil is one of the maids (or perhaps a regular server) to Chez Snobbe. | |
Nils | Nils is the child of Sabrina and Leon of the Green Lynx Inn. He is really shy and scared of the two Mystics upon first arrival, but turns to being quite friendly later. | |
Norton | Norton is a person you'll find sleeping and crying in the Green Lynx Inn all the time. He's always crying about how the castle took his wife, Sandy, away. Am I the only one who thinks he would be the father of Nils instead? | |
Olbeth and Marlee | Olbeth and Marlee are a couple that hang out in the clothing store, just looking around. | |
Olso | Olso is some old guy that sits out against the logs in Darakin. Nothing is really mentioned of him. | |
Pablo | Pablo is a fat glutton in the Chez Snobbe. | |
Sabrina | Sabrina is the primary owner of the Green Lynx Inn, which is the building you jump into during your escape from the castle. She hides the Mystics from the officers and offers them hospitality for the troubles they've faced. She is probably the most well known of all people in Darakin. | |
Skandel | Skandel... Some guy that shows up at the Green Lynx Inn once at some random time. It's actually at the time Maya was being questioned by a guard in town. | |
Shank | Shank owns the clothing store found in the southwest corner of the noble side in Darakin. | |
Shema | Shema is owner of the Sweetheart Food Shop. You can't purchase from her until after you've learned to camp. | |
Selena | Selena is the wife of Ganal and mother of the two children in the same household. She seems to be one of those women who work for the whole family! | |
Toriette | Toriette is the guy to talk to if you want a meal in Chez Snobbe | |
Tyler and Norma | Norma and Tyler are a couple who are in the upper floor of the Three Star Hotel. | |
Velmond | Velmond owns the items part of the Sweetheart Shop. | |
Veska | Veska is a woman who used to be one of the rich citizens of Darakin. Now she lives in this shack and lives her life sobbing all the time. | |
Vintel and Lemana | You'll find little Vintel, the conceited brat really, running around the noble side of Darakin. Lemana is the mother that Vintel always stops at after running a lap. | |
Yaksha | Yaksha is the owner of the Gold Rush Junk Shop. He sells all kinds of random cheap items. | |
Yan | Yan is an elderly lady that hangs outside the Gold Rush Junk Shop. |