Legaia 2: Duel Saga -> Locations -> Towns and Locations -> Jinga -> Jinga Items

Jinga Items

Last Updated: 2018-01-15 01:52:24 (k73sk)

Image Description
blue sky shard Chief West Wind grants the party the Blue Sky Shard in order to use the Earth Crest Stones in Drokonia.
restore blossom in a chest At the bottom of the stairs that lead to the main hall, follow the narrow path west.
heal bottle in a chest Go up the stairs that go up east from the savepoint and then north, into the food/potion "shop".
heal bottle in a chest In the western most building, look near the traders in the northeast corner of the home.
silver barome in a chest At the very entrance of Jinga, look to the right side of the beach to get this chest.
restore blossom in a statue Read the Jinga main page to know how to get this item.
golden barome in a statue Read the Jinga main page to know how to get this item.
restore leaf in a statue Read the Jinga main page to know how to get this item.
transparent pill in a statue Read the Jinga main page to know how to get this item.

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